Вилла Bidadari Cliffside Estate
- Прекрасный пейзажный бассейн с видом на океан
- Приватный лифт к пляжу
- РомантическaяТрадиционнaя Кабана на пляже
- Автомобиль с водителем включено
- Полный рабочий день сотрудников и повар
- Описание
- Фото-галлерея
- Бронирование
- Цены & Сезоны
- Местоположение
- Инфраструктура
- Сервис
- Схема виллы & Видео
- Аналогичные Виллы
- Описание
- Фото-галлерея
- Бронирование
- Цены & Сезоны
- Местоположение
- Инфраструктура
- Сервис
- Схема виллы & Видео
- Аналогичные Виллы
BIDADARI CLIFFSIDE ESTATE является одной из самых эксклюзивных вилл с океанскими видами на всем острове Бали. Эта уникальная вилла расположена на самом краю утеса, откуда открываются невероятные виды на океанские просторы. Дизайн виллы представляет собой яркое сочетание строгих современных форм и традиционных мотивов, отлично передающих дух острова Бали. В главном здании расположены три роскошные спальни с собственными ванными, и еще одна спальня с ванной расположена отдельной хижине, выстроенной в балийском стиле, внизу утеса у самой воды.
У входа в двухуровневый сад виллы гостей встречают две статуи Будды, символизирующие мир и гармонию. В умиротворяющей обстановке сада вы сможете полюбоваться на прекрасные образцы тропической фауны Бали, а журчание воды в переливающихся полутораметровых прудах с водными лилиями поможет вам погрузиться в медитативное спокойствие.
Главное здание виллы Bidadari Cliffside Estate отличается не только большой площадью жилого пространства, но и тем, что для его украшения были подобраны абсолютно уникальные произведения искусства. Вся отделка произведена из самых высококачественных местных материалов. Застекленные окна-двери жилой комнаты и верхних спален позволяют в полной мере насладиться завораживающими видами на Индийский океан, а великолепное расположение виллы делает возможным наблюдать морские закаты.
Традиционная беседка, которая служит обеденной залой и дополнительной зоной отдыха, балансирует на самом краю утеса, а сбоку от нее расположен 18-метровый бассейн с невидимым краем. Когда находишься в ней, создается такое впечатление, что по ее деревянному полу можно подойти к самой кромке океана. Убранство расположенных наверху спален было подобрано в полном соответствии с последними модными веяниями на Бали, а дополнительную роскошь им придают японские джакузи.
Четвертая спальня представляет собой отдельную романтичную хижину, которая расположилась у подножья утеса, всего в нескольких шагах от белых песков и лазурных вод океана. До хижины можно добраться либо по ступенчатому спуску, либо с помощью лифта, специально спроектированного для этой виллы и построенного в скале. Хижина, с которой открываются великолепные виды, является воплощением традиционной балийской роскоши. В качестве дополнительного бонуса на ней оборудован душ на открытом воздухе в стиле лучших балийских-спа.
На вилле Bidadari Cliffside Estate имеется собственный спортивный зал, который оборудован под хижиной. Также в распоряжении гостей – 2 каяка и красочное традиционное балийское каноэ. Спортивный зал можно использовать для индивидуальных занятий йогой, и открывающиеся из него виды на Индийский океан помогут сосредоточиться на медитативных практиках. Управляющий виллы Bidadari или ваш личный консьерж в Bali Luxury Villas пригласят для вас инструктора по йоге или персонального тренера.
Наш талантливый повар Кетут порадует вас балийскими кулинарными изысками. По вашему заказу Кетут приготовит великолепные блюда из любой кухни мира. Он также может провести индивидуальные кулинарные уроки и уроки индонезийской кухни. Если вам захочется выбраться за пределы этой невероятной виллы, неподалеку можно заняться парасейлингом, гольфом или рыбалкой.
Мы желаем вам великолепного отдыха на вилле BIDADARI CLIFFSIDE ESTATE!
Отзывы недавних гостей:
Alison - Singapore - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in August 2022:
Absolutely fabulous Holiday!, Thank you for the amazing staff for an unbelievable, unforgettable experience, and the best food ever! Cheers !
Jargita - Lithuania - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in July 2022:
We would like to thank you villa owners for the nice vision. Thank you for designer and architects who realised it. And special thanks for villa support team who made our stay unrepeatable !
Keely & Family - United Kingdom - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in June 2022:
Thank you for hosting our family in your beautiful villa. We came for Claudia, our daughter-in law’s 30th birthday with family and friends and we had the most magical time of course.
The view from the villa is truly spectacular and we were made to feel very at home from the moment we walked in.
Thank you to all the staff and to Chef Ketut for cooking up a storm every day!
Thank you also to the best Bali driver who also doubled up as a monkey bodyguard. Ketut driver is such a kind character.
We are so grateful for the wonderful memories that we will treasure from our time here.
Catherine & David - France - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in April 2022:
We had to postpone our trip to bali for 2 years because of the pandemic but the experience we had during these 9 days was well worth the wait. The Bidadari Cliffside Estate has probably the most beautiful view we have ever seen but what made our stay really unforgettable was without a doubt the friendliness and hospitality of the team that looked after us here. We give a huge thank you to Ketut, Arta, Indra, Made as well as the maintenance staff for their professionalism, their listening and their empathy towards us. They allowed us to feel truly at home during these 9 days.
We wish you from the bottom of our heart a good post covid recovery, we won’t forget you.
Jessika - Indonesia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in May 2021:
We are very happy to stay in Bidadari Cliffside for 4 nights. We were very lucky to find this villa. The view is very beautiful and of course the staff is very friendly. A most beautiful experience while in Bali. The Best Villa!! Thank you to Mr. Ketut who always cooks for us. Everything Mr. Ketut made was delicious.
One day we will definitely come back here. Always good health for Bidadari Cliffside Estate Team!, thank you and see you next time!
“10/10” !
Ivone & Friends - Indonesia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in April 2021:
It has been wonderful 5 nights ! Excellent service from Bidadari Team. Perfect choice for our Staycation after a full year staying at home due to The Covid 19 Pandemic. Pak Harta and Pak Ketut worth special mentioning, for the wonderful hospitality and warm service that really made our stay a pure bliss and comfortable. And oh not to forget the food was impeccable ! Thank you, Ivone, Irenne and the rest of family, with love
Mr. Mac. M. & Family - USA rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in October 2019:
Our trip to the villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate has been nothing short of magical! Every request was granted with a smile. We appreciate the great attention to detail and kind nature of every staff member. Everyone was great with our kids! Jack and Bea are sure to never forget their new friend. All the food was five star! We never felt the need to leave and go to a restaurant.
We will never forget our trip to Bali, we hope to come back and see our new friends again!
Moustafa A. - LEBANON rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in June 2019:
If you want the best views and service in Bali the only stop you need is Bidadari Cliffside Estate. The food cooked in house by the amazing private chef is off it's head, The pool with a view is perfect for a morning swim as well as a late night. The staff are all friendly and helpful and if you have the pleasure of meeting Arta and Ketut you'll have an amazing stay. It's a home away from home. I Forgot to mention earlier, that indra is also one of the most helpfull person here. Putu and Ita take care of the whole estate as well as the people staying in it with extreme care. I would highly recomend this place. thank you to everyone who took care of us and for having the best villa in Bali.
Ms. Chia Tzu H. - TAIWAN rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in February 2019:
Team Bidadari, Thank you for everything you've done for us during our stay here, from the moment we exit the cars, we felt so welcome and surrounded with love. The villa is stunning!! Jaw-dropping view plus the lovely environment. Our family loved the food. Ketut is such amazing Chef!! Everyone here is super friendly and helpful. A special call out to the villa manager and who has been treating us as his own family and friends, gave us many great suggestions and shaved his wisdom with us. This is our first villa experience, and we believe it's gonna set a high standard to all our future travels!! Thanks again for everything and hope we can come back again!!
Thompson Family - USA rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in July 2018:
"Love the life you live. Live the life you love" - Bob Marley. Thank you so much for enabling us to do just that! The memories made here will go on forever and the gratitude felt will tend vibrating eternally into the universe. Everyone here is a wonderful and fantastic person! The food was amazing, the care taking fabulous and the energy contagious. We feel blessed to have experienced it and hope to enjoy again! Suksma
Sylvie B. - Singapore - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in August 2017:
Thank you for letting us have the best experience in Bali, with the most friendly and accommodating staff. From the pool, the scenery, the design of the house & interior, the Kayaking, going to Tanah Lot, the amazing local dishes by Chef Ketut and so much more - we have truly loved our stay at the Villa Bidadari!!! Thank you to the amazing staff!!!
Donna S - Australia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in February 2017:
Bidadari- For a westerner, checking online for a translation for Bidadari finds: Angel (messenger from a deity). What an appropriate name for this paradisiacal respite from the cyber-saturated and hectic life we’ve become accustomed to. Greeted by the spirit of this beautiful and sensual property, we found it both exhilarating and soothing. Nothing is spared in accommodating the pleasures and comforts for a period of relaxation, surrounded by stunning beauty. The owners’ outstanding taste and attention to detail are translated in the staff’s grand desire to please. Both local and continental dishes are tastefully prepared and presented in the “Bale” by Ketut and his associates. This spectacular clifftop location provided an unobstructed view of the Indian Ocean, with the ever present perfume fragrance of the Frangipani. The design and impeccable furnishings include two submerged exercycles to attend to fitness (if you wish) while soaking in the infinity pool. After 8 luxurious days, the most difficult part of our stay was saying farewell. We WILL return!
Kelly G & Johannes - Sweden - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in January 2017:
This villa really is one of a kind. Arguably the most beautiful house I've ever seen including those of Hollywood movies. The Villa is so well planned, within terms of design and function and every little detail simply plays to being exquisite. On top of that the staff is really something else. So thoughtful, kind and attention, one couldn't ask for better service. We would like to congratulate on a truly spectacular villa that really has no comparison. We consider us very fortune to have spent some time here. Thank You and all our best.
Derek C. - Hong Kong - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in December 2016:
We are a group of friends from Hong Kong to attend a friend's wedding in Bali. The stunning and magnificent view, the delicious food, the attentive & diligent staff and especially the Chef, the swimming pool are all part of our memorable experience. It was such a relaxing holiday for us.
Simon & Heather P. - United Kingdom - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in August 2016:
Thank you for such a beautiful and magnificent villa. Reading every page of your guestbook has put smiles on our faces. More importantly allowing us to experience this awesome villa. We feel the atmosphere and the staff has set tthe bar for more than a 5 stars hotel. Highly recommend to all our friends and family. Hope to see everyone at the villa soon! Love to you all!
Anthea D. - Australia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in January 2016:
Our stay at this wonderful place was a combination of the villa and the enormous input and contribution from the beautiful Bidadari “family”. Thank you, Ketut, for your ever surprising culinary delights and beautiful smile. Amik, Bagus & Gede again greeting us with beautiful smiles and great attitude.
It will be hard to wake up and not see this incredible view. We will be back again soon !!
Andrew L. - USA - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in September 2015:
Thank You so much for sharing your paradise Villa with us. Drew was so considerate in inviting me and Bret for a few week during his stay. It's always hand to find perfection in a vacation. Bidadari is perfection. We met new friends and created lasting memories. The menu at every meal was outstanding! Gede always know where to take us for a great outing. Bagus and Papa Ketut did an amazing job taking care of our taste buds! Our time went by so fast, but we will be sure to come back again.
Anna E. & Family - Russia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in August 2015:
Thank You to the team for a great vacation Villa. Everything was wonderful. Villa is great for relaxation, very beautiful. We were very satisfied with our two week vacation in Bali. Very helpful staff to the request of the residents of the villa. Special thanks to Amik, Bagus, and Ketut.
R. O. - Australia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in May 2015:
My wife and I stayed for a week with friends and only wished it was more. The design of the property is amazing and as soon as you enter the property you feel you are on holidays in your own haven. The staff were all great and went out of their way to make our stay as pleasant and special as possible. Ketut, the chef, delivered a great array of local cuisine and definitely found ourselves wanting to eat in most nights rather then hitting the restaurant scene. We stayed in the Cabana located at the bottom of the property which was truly sensational and the morning and evening views were to die for. Overall we would highly recommend Bidadari Cliffside Estate for anyone who wants to have that relaxing holiday and to experience the great things in life at your own pace. Thanks again for a great stay!
David W. - Australia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in January 2015:
To all the Bidadari staff, Thank You so much for a "brilliant" holiday. You service and smiles were amazing! We loved the food, the view and the abience. Thank You from "Nany Sue", "Little Oliver Charlie" , "Teenage Thomas", "Mrs. Amie", and "Mr. David". We hope to see you again very soon. xoxo.
Oksana M. - Russia & Italy - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in August 2014:
Thank you for a Paradise on the Earth. Everything here was an angel, even coffee cups. Oksana: "This lavish vacation was stunning". Thank you for our stay, for your service and warm welcoming. L. Gianluca: "And also good vacation". With love, Our huge international family.
Phil N. - Singapore - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in June 2014:
Dearest Bidadari staff. Thank you for the truly marvelous stay dan for making our stay so enjoyable. The service, food, view are excellent! 5/5 stars for everything!!! *****. We will miss this place and your warm, helpful and professional service! We will be back! Dearest Bidadari staff.
Sandra F. - Australia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in January 2014:
Dear Kathryn: Happy New Year!!!!
I am still in Bidadari Villa BUT I couldn't wait to send you a note to tell you how wonderful this is!!!
We absolutely looooved this villa. Not only the villa location and amenities but the staff, the food….everything it's been just absolutely wonderful!
This is my fourth time in Bali but I am certainly planning more trips here and I will not hesitate to do it with your company.
Also, the concierge from Luxury Villas has been in top of everything and really helpful
thank you Kathryn for all the efforts that you put into making this vacation possible and how accommodating you were to my requests. I want to recognize your excellent customer service and how happy I am with finally choosing Bidadari as my destination in Bali.
I will definitely continue making business with you in the future trips to Bali (or any other country in which Bali Luxury Villas offers villa services)
All the best for 2014
Anna P. - USA - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in July 2013:
We were lucky enough to stay at Bidadari for a week after having travelling for a couple of weeks. It was just the relaxing paradise we needed to end our trip. Everything about the villa is flawless. The food, staff, and house itself are all incredible. We decided to stay in the Cabana room, which is just like sleeping in the Indian Ocean. It is incredibly private and romantic. The house is beautifully decorated and incredibly comfortable. The staff is incredible, friendly, eager to help, and fun! The villa is secluded and private, yet it is easy to get to so many places around Bali and lovely to be able to come home and relax.
Diane W. - Australia - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in July 2013:
We had a wonderful time at Bidadari Cliffside. I've written a review for Tripadvisor giving it five stars. I can't single out any one of the staff as they were all impeccable as well as warm and caring. The meals were more than adequate and we appreciated the care taken to provide my daughter, who is celiac, with appropriate meals. The standout feature of the holiday was the way the house was designed to allow for the utmost privacy for us all yet able to have a large get together space when we wanted to, eg mealtimes. Thank you for your help in making our time memorable.
Elena P. - Hong Kong - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in February 2013:
I'll Be back…. Woooh valentines day! You Have an amazing villa with an incredible view. LOVE the inclinator!. If you ever feel like doing charity and giving your villa away to a 15-year old, I am open. Happy Valentines day and I hope I will come back here in near future.
Kim D. - United Kingdom - rented Villa Bidadari Cliffside Estate in January 2013:
You truly have created a home away from home! Whether it’s guest or friends who can share your exceptional villa in certain that they’ll enjoy it as much as my self. Your generosity as people has definitely rubbed off on your staff so too has your humour. I can’t think of a better place to begin my first Bali .experience!. The staff here are delightful but their warmth is also a reflection of what you’ve created whether the real Bali is me cooking with ketut or travelling to Gede’s Village. I think the real Bali is in whoever smile you come across. Amile’s is a favourite of mine especially when laughing at Papa Less. I can’t wait to be back!
Низкий Сезон | Высокий Сезон | Пиковый Сезон | |
4 спальни | $1,250 / ночь | $1,450 / ночь | $1,870 / ночь |
Минимальное количество ночей | 2 ночей | 5 ночей | 7 ночей |
Цены указаны в долларах США за ночь и не включают сервисный сбор и государственный налог 15.5%. Цены действуют до 31 Марта, 2025 до полудня .
Dates | Seasons | ||
10 Января, 2025 | — | 13 Апреля, 2025 | Низкий Сезон |
13 Апреля, 2025 | — | 23 Апреля, 2025 | Высокий Сезон |
23 Апреля, 2025 | — | 26 Июня, 2025 | Низкий Сезон |
26 Июня, 2025 | — | 02 Августа, 2025 | Высокий Сезон |
02 Августа, 2025 | — | 17 Августа, 2025 | Пиковый Сезон |
17 Августа, 2025 | — | 01 Сентября, 2025 | Высокий Сезон |
01 Сентября, 2025 | — | 19 Декабря, 2025 | Низкий Сезон |
19 Декабря, 2025 | — | 10 Января, 2026 | Пиковый Сезон |
10 Января, 2026 | — | 31 Марта, 2026 | Низкий Сезон |
31 Марта, 2026 | — | 12 Апреля, 2026 | Высокий Сезон |
12 Апреля, 2026 | — | 26 Июня, 2026 | Низкий Сезон |
26 Июня, 2026 | — | 02 Августа, 2026 | Высокий Сезон |
(0.1 km) Вилла Grand Cliff Nusa Dua с пятью спальнями, обслуживаемая профессиональным персоналом, расположена на скале в безопасном частном анклаве на красивом полуострове Букит на Бали. Несмотря на свое красивое и уединенное расположение, вилла находится всего в 5 км от ...
(2.6 km) Расположенная на вершине утёса в районе Букит, вилла Rose — это роскошная вилла с 4 спальнями, являющаяся частью престижного комплекса Bali Pandawa Cliff Estate. Тщательно спроектированная как идеальная семейная вилла, она предлагает непревзойденный комфорт и захватывающий...
Чтобы заказать виллу, лучше всего связаться с нами по электронной почте. Мы отвечаем на большинство запросов в течении суток. Помимо этого в наши рабочие часы вы можете связаться с нами в режиме онлайн через специальный чат на нашем сайте, через skype или по телефону. Мы всегда постараемся ответить на ваш запрос как можно скорее: в течение 24 часов в рабочие дни или в понедельник в том случае, если запрос отправлен в выходные.
Мы принимаем оплату карточками Visa и MasterCard, а также банковскими переводами в долларах США (TT). ![]() |
20 минут (5 км) на машине до Nusa Dua, 70 минут (17.5 км) на машине до Seminyak Night Life, 45 минут (10.7 км) на машине до Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport.